PopUp Architecture & Integrations

PopUp Mainframe is available in various different "flavours" to suit your individual requirements.

Below is listed some of the different styles of architecture PopUp supports, as well as the most common integrations with other vendor software.

Vanilla PopUp

The stand alone PopUp Mainframe forms the foundation of our offering.

How it Works

  1. Once the use cases have been identified, we support you to migrate the required data and applications from the physical mainframe to the PopUp in order to build a "gold copy PopUp". This gold copy would typically be sanitized and verified within a secure environment (e.g. prod zone) to prevent compliance breach before duplication to dev or test environments.
  2. Once a robust "gold copy" image of the PopUp is ready, it is easy to create working copies for any non-production environment.
  3. A working instance of the "gold copy PopUp" is stood up in the dev environment and provides capacity to address the use case.
  4. Once the use case is complete, the code changes are promoted via the customer's preferred mechanism (e.g. automation or manual deploy) to the physical mainframe test environment.

Delphix Integrated PopUp

PopUp Mainframe integrates fully with Delphix Continuous Data (virtualization) and Delphix Continuous Compliance (masking).

PopUp can be integrated with Delphix Continuous Data only, to provide the virtualisation capabilities. Additionally, if required, Delphix Continuous Compliance can be used to provide masking and compliance capabilities for your mainframe data.

How it Works

  1. Once the use cases have been identified, we support you to migrate the required data and applications from the physical mainframe to the PopUp in order to build a "gold copy PopUp". This gold copy would typically be sanitized and verified within a secure environment (e.g. prod zone) to prevent compliance breach before duplication to dev or test environments.
  2. Masking of sensitive data is automatically actioned by pre-defined, cross domain algorithms within the Delphix Continuous Compliance engine (masking).
  3. The secure, "gold copy PopUp" is ingested into the Delphix Continuous Data Engine (virtualization).
  4. A working instance of the "gold copy PopUp" is stood up in the dev environment and provides capacity to address the use case.
  5. Once the use case is complete, the code changes are promoted via the customer's preferred mechanism (e.g. automation or manual deploy) to the physical mainframe test environment.

For Delphix configuration details specific to PopUp Mainframe integration, click here: Delphix Configuration


We have partnered with BMC Compuware to make their popular DevOps tooling available, pre-configured and pre-integrated for our customer's convenience.

Here is a brief video demonstrating the power of using BMC Compuware's development and testing tools on PopUp Mainframe, orchestrated here with a simple Jenkins pipeline:

BMC PopUp Mainframe Pipeline from PopUp Mainframe.

Here is an older video, created under our parent company, Sandhata (prior to PopUp Mainframe becoming a separate company in its own right) demonstrating integration orchestrated via digital.ai and various leading mainframe DevOps tools (including those from BMC) in an automated fashion:

Sandhata Mainframe CICD Demo from PopUp Mainframe.

And, here is a depiction of a common CI/CD pipleine scenario:

From Azure MarketPlace, you can have your own PopUp Mainframe running in the cloud in minutes.

The PopUp virtual machine has been built, configured and performance tested to run optimally in Azure cloud. It gives the excellent performance and reliability you expect from Azure infrastructure.

PopUp is leading the way in cutting edge mainframe modernization practices. PopUp’s latest Azure offering takes you one step closer to creating mainframe environments on demand and accelerating your projects.

How to spin up a PopUp on Azure from PopUp Mainframe.

Installing PopUp Mainframe on Microsoft Azure

Page last revised on: 2023-11-21